Attention Fiber TV Customers in the St. Joseph DMA

ION programming will remain on channel 50, but we will be switching from the KPXE to a national feed. Due to this change, ION will be available on the Advanced and Advanced Lite levels of service versus Local Plus beginning July 1, 2024. Please note this change will not affect the KC DMA.

- Channels Marked St. Joseph Only are only available in Andrew, Buchanan & Dekalb Counties.
- Channels Marked KC Only are only available in Clay, Clinton, Gentry, Holt, Nodaway, Platte, Ray and Worth counties.

TV Channels Channel Number Sort descending Local Advanced Lite Advanced Complete Lite Complete The Works Lite The Works TV Everywhere
Starz Kids & Family 720

Encore 727

Encore Action 728

Encore Black 729

Encore Classic 730

Encore Suspense 731

Encore Family 732

Encore Westerns 733

Showtime 734

Showcase 736

Showtime Extreme 738

Showtime Family 740

Showtime Next 742

Showtime BET 744

Showtime 2 746

Additional $6 Per Month (Lite Package $5 Per Month)

Additional $4.50 Per Month (Lite Package $3.50 Per Month)

Additional $4.95 Per Month (Lite Package $3.95 Per Month)